Benefits of Membership

  • Receive monthly newsletter “The Galloping Gazette” highlighting upcoming activities, as well as e-mail updates through the month.

  • Enjoy activities with other members including: Tours, car shows, parades, breakfast runs, picnics, delivering Thanksgiving baskets, Christmas party, annual banquet and the Ponies in the Sun car show every September at Sarg Hubbard Park in Yakima.

Membership Requirements

  • Have an interest in any Ford Mustang or Mercury Cougar, or any classic Ford vehicle
  • Possess a valid Driver’s License.
  • Carry insurance that satisfies the Washington State Financial Responsibility Act.
  • Attend a total of two club functions each year – meetings or events.
  • Be 18 years or older or join with parents as a family membership
  • Stay current on paying annual dues.

Applications for membership are voted on and approved by the SCMC Board of Directors.

Membership Fees / Annual Dues:
$20.00 for Single membership
$25.00 for Family membership

A $2 fee will be added for online payments (credit card or PayPal).

Member's car

Membership Meetings

Our regular monthly meetings are held on the Fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Round Table Pizza in Yakima, Washington.

The November meeting is usually moved to the 3rd Wednesday to accommodate Thanksgiving. No monthly meetings are held in December and January.